Our Practice Areas

Kobren Law Auto Accidents

Auto Accidents

Experiencing an auto accident is both stressful and traumatic. At Kobren Law, we take care of every aspect for you - from car damage and medical treatment to expenses, lost wages, and ensuring you receive compensation for damages. Let Kobren Law manage these details, allowing you to focus on your recovery and returning to normal life. Whether it's a rear-end collision, a drunk driving incident, a hit and run, or any motor vehicle accident, we ensure you are taken care of and receive every entitlement you deserve.

Slip and Fall and Trip and Fall Accidents

Slip and Fall & Trip and Fall Accidents

If you've been injured from slipping on a substance or tripping over an object, you may have a claim against the responsible person or business for the property. Unlike auto accidents, there won't be police documentation or immediate evidence. Our role is to investigate promptly, preserving evidence and identifying witnesses to support your claim. The sooner you engage with Kobren Law, the better chance we have of successful representation. We'll also ensure you receive necessary medical treatment. Protect your rights and secure the compensation you deserve by choosing Kobren Law to represent you after a fall.

Pedestrian Accidents Kobren Law

Pedestrian Accidents

With Florida's excellent weather, outdoor activities are a common pastime. Unfortunately, negligence can lead to injuries, whether involving motor vehicles, bicycles, golf carts, scooters, or pedestrians. We're here to assist you in obtaining treatment for your injuries and compensation for damages, such as medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Swiftly hiring Kobren Law after a pedestrian accident is crucial to identify the responsible party and determine the relevant insurance coverage. Don't navigate the complexities alone—call us, and we'll leverage our expertise to secure the compensation you deserve.

Motorcycle Accidents Kobren Law

Motorcycle Accidents

Cruising on the open road with the wind in your hair is exhilarating, leading many Florida residents to opt for motorcycles over cars. However, operating a motorcycle brings inherent risks. There’s no such thing as a minor motorcycle accident, and they often result in catastrophic injuries. We take pride in our longstanding relationship with the motorcycle community, advocating for bikers' equal respect on the road. In the unfortunate event of an injury, we're here to fight for your rights, challenge insurance companies, and ensure you don't bear the financial burden of an accident that wasn't your fault.

Bicycle Accidents Kobren Law

Bicycle Accidents

Cyclists have an equal right to share the road with vehicles, and in Florida's consistently favorable biking weather, cycling has become a popular sport. Many residents use bicycles for exercise and as an alternative mode of transportation to work and various activities. Unfortunately, bicycle accidents are all too common due to a lack of awareness from cars, trucks, and even fellow cyclists. If you or a loved one has been injured while riding a bike, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and losses. It's crucial to address these incidents and advocate for the rights and safety of cyclists.

Wrongful Death Kobren Law

Wrongful Death

The loss of a loved one in Florida due to accidents or negligence is devastating. Whether it's a negligent driver, medical malpractice, or the actions of an individual or company, accountability is crucial. Surviving family members may be entitled to compensation for financial support, funeral expenses, and the value of lost services (e.g. childcare, eldercare, household assistance etc.). While no amount can replace the loss, we are dedicated to securing the compensation you rightfully deserve to ease the burden.

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